Review Introduction: I purchased Season 1 of Boris Karloff’s Thriller from iTunes. I’ve listed the titles below and for most the episodes I’ve included full length YouTube links.
I’d like say that I enjoyed ever episode and don’t regret watching any of them or purchasing any of them. There are three types of shows here: supernatural tales, faux-supernatural tales, and simple crime drama’s. Most of Season 1 is the later. Overall I enjoyed the old school coolness of the black and white sixties horror show, Boris Karloff’s intros, and the dark twists.
Below, 1 through 24 are my favorites and the ones that I would most recommend for the entertainment value. I will offer brief comments for those but not the rest.
1) The Purple Room:
Features a Psycho-like house, a cool myth, and fair drama!
2) Pigeons from Hell:
Very atmospheric horror with gore!
3) The Grim Reaper:
One of my most favorite and scariest Thrillers!
4) The Cheaters:
Now real ending, but sufficiently creepy!
5) The Hungry Glass:
One of my most favorite and scariest Thrillers!
6) Trio for Terror:
Short but good drama’s, the first, one of my favorites, deals with witchcraft.
7) Choose a Victim:
Average drama - but I liked the clothes, cars, and the 50’s beat-nick slang of the starring character. Worth watching again!
8) The Terror in Teakwood:
Real old school horror theme. I also enjoyed the concert pianist motif.
9) Parasite Mansion:
A not too attractive tale about a horribly supernatural villian!
10) The Mark of the Hand:
A simple crime drama told very interestingly!
11) The Prisoner in the Mirror:
A cool horror/sci-fi idea. Worth watching, but no real ending..
12) Mr. George:
About a child and a ghost. The bad guys get knocked off, very good!
13) The Prediction:
Starring Boris Karloff. Adequate Twilight-Zone-like story!
14) Well of Doom:
Very Halloweeny, atmospheric, adequate drama…
15) The Devil’s Ticket:
A guy sells his soul to the Devil: a story straight out of The Twilight Zone, predictable twists, worth a gander…
16) Late Date:
Interesting crime drama about hiding a body…
17) Rose’s Last Summer:
Interesting crime twist…
18) A Good Imagination:
A take-off on Poe - dark humor almost. The wife’s shrill, trite, persona contributes to the slightly less-than-serious spin.
19) Knock Three-One-Two:
Average drama with horribly dark ending twists making it worth while…
20) Hay-Fork and Bill-Hook:
My favorite episode because I love the subject of witchcraft and Boris Karloff’s intro is my favorite - average story…
21) The Big Blackout:
Interestingly told crime drama…
22) Dark Legacy:
Great spooky house in the beginning. My favorite subject of witchcraft. Average story…
23) The Merriweather File:
One of the most interesting and interestingly told crime drama’s - unpredictable ending..
24) The Fingers of Fear:
One of the most interesting crime drama’s…
25) The Twisted Image:
26) The Ordeal of Dr. Cordell:
27) Yours Truly, Jack the Ripper:
28) Worse Than Murder:
29) The Fatal Impulse:
30) Girl with a Secret:
31) The Watcher:
32) Man in the Cage:
33) The Guilty Men:
34) Child’s Play:
35) Man in the Middle:
36) Papa Benjamin:
37) The Poisoner: